The first AI-Native

Reality Capture Platform

Aerial, Street, Indoors

GeoCam is the enterprise ready Reality Capture Platform.

Our AI-powered Visual Positioning Engine enables rapid mapping at any scale, no LiDAR.




Deploy on any platform, anywhere.

Easy to transition between them and fuse into a single scene.

Drive Streets

Walk Properties and Indoors

Capture Aerial Imagery

Build map data in support of many industries.

Map and maintain critical street furniture, roadways, assets in parks or along trails, and sidewalks.

Public Works Asset Management

Build Utility Network data from the ground up, faster and more accurately that converting old data.

Utilities Electric, Fiber, Water, and Gas

Expand Inspections creating Fire, Police, and Ambulance Services ready Pre Plan Maps.

Public Safety Pre Plans and Maps

No more paper reports and inventories without locations! Create PCA and FCA data using maps.

Facilities and Property Assessments

Continually scan the build process enabling “True As Builds” updating designs and creating a super vision.

Construction As Built Models

Upcoming Events

  • Oracle World

    Sept 9th to 12th, Las Vegas

    We’re attending with the AnyBotics team - come find us and check out all the way’s you can deploy GeoCam. Cars, Waking, Indoors, UAS, and … Robotic Dogs!

  • Esri IMGIS

    Oct 22nd to 24th, Palm Springs, CA

    Come learn about the latest in AI-powered Utility Asset Mapping. Now anyone can work from a Live View into their assets locations and build Utility Networks using Reality Capture.

  • Distributech 2025

    March 25-27th, Dallas TX

    Startup Pavilion Space and Esri Booth - We’ll be announcing a new capability at DISTRIBUTECH. Come check out the future of ML and Geospatial Imagery for Utilities.