It’s really simple, view imagery with your ArcGIS Web Maps.

Navigate to any shot we took at it’s exact location. Search for features and jump to the closest view. Use our Lock View tool to rotate through views of the object from any image, including other pass along the road or in the distance.

Lock View - quickly assess an object from any angle

Collaborating around imagery is extremely powerful.

We make it easy to share short links that contain the exact view you’re looking at. Share these URLs to anyone in your organization that has access. They encode the Field of View and the current Map Zoom extent. They’re great when editing GIS features, attach them as attributes to the features!

Short URL - Collaborate by sharing your current view

Map objects into your ArcGIS Feature Services.

Create 2D GIS features and edit attributes using your imagery as a guide. Honestly, you can get a ton done without needing unwieldly point clouds. Our imagery is geospatially accurate and has precise image orientations making it easy for anyone to work with. From complex data models to simple “Map Notes” all levels of GIS users can extract value.

2D GIS Editing - direct into your ArcGIS feature services